Monday 2 July 2012

little fetishes again: tattoos vs. magnets

Got new little fetish (gift from a friend who thinks that I rrrrooock;-))) 
 - a bracelet with skull and rose. 

It reminds me of sailors old school tattoos. 

By the way, European sailors in 1700s started bringing tattoos (as "souvenirs") from their first discoveries in Polynesia, i.e. James Cook got tattooed when he arrived to Tahiti. 

this is by ed hardy, but OK:

 this is nice))):

By the way Polynesian tattoos are really amazing. Design and shapes are not "primitive" at all, look very contemporary... 

Bringing tattoos from trips is more cool than bringing the magnets) But definitely I have more space for magnets...)

Tuesday 19 June 2012

"Her name was the ..."

My srping wasn't romantic this year. I worked as a dog. Travelled as mad.
So, I decided that at least I'd smell like a flower. I got a fragrance that is very unusual for me.
Rose. Only rose. Pure - Natural - Mono - Royal - Garden - Rose.
Just like in the garden of grandpa when I still was a little flower)...

Sunday 25 March 2012

Subliminal messages

I had a dream that I opened a little boutique of lingerie. Vintage style: think «Les Liaisons dangereuses», think Vivienne Westwood. I had three girls working there - pure dolls, like from an old book. 

I, myself, was wearing horse-riding tight pants and horse-riding high boots and lace top. And I had to deal with the visitors - IT guys who went to install wi-fi, policemen who came to check up what's going on.... But no customers)))) And each of these people was astonished when they got in the boutique and saw this magic box inside. With my three dolls).

The window shop was very dark and old and not transparent, decorated with trashy velvet... and nobody could guess what treasures were inside. And I was saying all the time "we don't have the name, girls. we have to invent the right name. We need the right name, just like we are...."

And by the end of the dream I woke up with the name "Dangerous Creatures" - referring both to lingerie and the women, I guess))) so silly dream, but very vivid.

P.S. Nevermind, the most interesting thing is another - these days I had to invent some ad concepts (in reality) and I was hopeless for few days... But as soon as I woke up - I was already armed with some idea for advertising. And it was approved))).

Fantastic P J Harvey as an illustration of a dangerous creature)))

Sunday 26 February 2012

He is with me, finally

That's my Buddha from Thailand. This is a tiny statuette made from entire piece of rock crystal. I just love this serene and tender photo made by my friends Raketa&Kot who found it for me in Thailand:

After some thousands of km at my home:

BTW, the rose in the backdround - it's, in fact, Depeche Mode best videos dvd, so it looks like my sacre altar, indeed :-)))) 

And this is "pocket" Buddha, so he can travel with me easily

BACK TO ROOTS. The 1st house single.

That's really curious. I've found out what is supposed to be THE VERY 1st HOUSE TRACK in the music history. Unbeliavable. Do you know the very first rock song? Jazz or blues composition? Other?
House music knows its genealogy with a presicion to a single)

So, here it is:
Name: On&On
Date: January 1984
Place: Chicago (Shiiikago as they pronounce it)
DJ: Jesse Saunders

It's kinda of fractured, unpolished and totally undanceable (at least for me being sober). Well, in any case - it's the real biological father of all the house music!)))

p.s. another curiosity (for those who didn't know it): house music derives its name from the Chicago's club Warehouse, so that's why

Monday 6 February 2012

last sunday dose of love

Last Sunday I saw Nicolas Jaar (see previous post) live set in Milano

And the gig was just great... An hour of complete trance and whole week after was saved, being nourished with that emotional dose. 
Jaar is composing, playing piano, some tracks have also his vocal

This (video from youtube) is a little piece from Milano.

So mooody, liquid stuff. What to say? In love. 

Wednesday 18 January 2012

with just one beat you turn my skirt

Going on with recent (little) obsessions
Nicolas Jaar just 22 y.o. American-Chilean musician, already recognized by prof.society.

Am literally living on his tracks last few days. In general, such low-beat (as well as minimal and deep house) are probably the only music I'm able to dance to. Ok, sometimes, some groovy-jazzy-funky would go, but I have to be in a really good mood.

Well, back to Jaar and his low beats. I particularly liked as he said in one interview: "more unintentional things happen between the beats")))

"Mi Mujer". "El Bandido".   "Encore" has lovely piano.

"With just one glance".. ( turn my skirt) 

in this case probably, with just one beat you turn my skirt)
"...the most unintentional things happen..."

Monday 16 January 2012

Fetishing. He's mine, I'm his!

Even if I always appreciated beautiful things, there are very few objects that "take my soul". One real "fetish" is crystal buddha. Don't know why it happened. Their transparency and no borders, all is one, right?)

This candle I bought from epic John Moon (the Bambuddha Grove) in Ibiza some years ago. And it goes with me wherever I live or stay. It makes me feel really peaceful. 

Then last summer I saw just a perfect thing in Venice - a crystal Buddha by Kenzo for Baccarat. It was a vivid perfection. Big, heavy, full of light and so fluid. I was staying there absolutely magnetized and was thinking if I could spend 4000 euros for it or not. I didn't. (I think my future special one will do it khm-khm;-) 

And now my dream comes true. Thanks to my dearest friends (Raketa&Kot, I love you!!!), my another personal crystal Buddha came to me from Thailand. 
And it is so special. It is no name, it's tiny, unique, and was found specially for me))). 
He is mine. 
My pocket dose of peace and love.

Saturday 7 January 2012

Santa loves high heels

Today is our (Orthodox) Christmas. And I did couple of presents to myself (from myself). 
First gift was that I finally came back to Milano that was soooo sunny and welcoming... 
Second gift was a pair of Louboutins.

Love the shoes, love this silly post... I a girl or what??? 

Thursday 5 January 2012

2012 to charge on Moleskine

My innocent little obssession is pocket daily planners. Not for work. For private life.To collect travel notes, meetings, movies, books, links and other life ingredients and memories.

In private daily planning am "pure old-school", analogue-era person.
This year I didn't find my favourite Japanese agenda in plastic pocket that I was customizing with various photos and pictures. So, this year I will be with quite old-school Moleskine, that's customizable with different color stickers:
"dinner", "cocktail", calls", smiles and even "what if....", "it happened!!!" )

There are some quite strange (politically correct?) stickers:

As they say: "The Moleskine notebook is a battery that stores ideas and feelings, releasing its energy over time. Today, Moleskine is synonymous with culture, imagination, memory, travel and personal identity. it represents the symbol of contemporary nomadism..."

Contemporary nomadism definitely suits me).

My old analogue friends: