Sunday 26 February 2012

BACK TO ROOTS. The 1st house single.

That's really curious. I've found out what is supposed to be THE VERY 1st HOUSE TRACK in the music history. Unbeliavable. Do you know the very first rock song? Jazz or blues composition? Other?
House music knows its genealogy with a presicion to a single)

So, here it is:
Name: On&On
Date: January 1984
Place: Chicago (Shiiikago as they pronounce it)
DJ: Jesse Saunders

It's kinda of fractured, unpolished and totally undanceable (at least for me being sober). Well, in any case - it's the real biological father of all the house music!)))

p.s. another curiosity (for those who didn't know it): house music derives its name from the Chicago's club Warehouse, so that's why

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