Monday 16 January 2012

Fetishing. He's mine, I'm his!

Even if I always appreciated beautiful things, there are very few objects that "take my soul". One real "fetish" is crystal buddha. Don't know why it happened. Their transparency and no borders, all is one, right?)

This candle I bought from epic John Moon (the Bambuddha Grove) in Ibiza some years ago. And it goes with me wherever I live or stay. It makes me feel really peaceful. 

Then last summer I saw just a perfect thing in Venice - a crystal Buddha by Kenzo for Baccarat. It was a vivid perfection. Big, heavy, full of light and so fluid. I was staying there absolutely magnetized and was thinking if I could spend 4000 euros for it or not. I didn't. (I think my future special one will do it khm-khm;-) 

And now my dream comes true. Thanks to my dearest friends (Raketa&Kot, I love you!!!), my another personal crystal Buddha came to me from Thailand. 
And it is so special. It is no name, it's tiny, unique, and was found specially for me))). 
He is mine. 
My pocket dose of peace and love.

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