Sunday 9 October 2011

Dangerous Keira

Few days ago in Milan I saw the new film by David Cronenberg  - "A Dangerous Method".  It's the historical drama about relationship of Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud and one their patient  - young Russian woman Sabina Spielrein (yes, she was from Russia). It's based on true story.

The cast of male actors was great: Viggo Mortnesen (as Sigmund Freud), Michael Fassbender (as Carl Jung) and Vincent Cassel amazing!))) (as Otto Gross) ... but all the impression of the film was totally spoiled by Keira Knightley. She was so helpless, so ridiculously over-acting.... especially contrasting with the perfectly tuned and balanced male trio....

My thought during the film was: where were Cronenberg's eyes during filming? Why nobody told Keira that she was such a disaster, helped her somehow

Maybe I got it wrong. But no kidding, so little girl and so big harm.

Still, want to share some shots:

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