Saturday 31 December 2011

Erotic - Hypnotic video for the Love Magazine

This video was specially created for the UK LOVE Magazine (2011).
I like it's under-water rhytm and lights on pale skins.
and I also like the reference to "Leda and the Swan"myth...

Sunday 25 December 2011

Diesel sells jeans. And not only.

Diesel comes up with an in-store promotion idea to run along the 'Sex sells. Unfortunately we sell jeans' campaign to help increase sales. They created the Knee.J, a spoof sex toy  to be given away to all customers that ran a bill above $ 150. What was meant to be a one-store activity got enough publicity to manufacture more pieces and take them across all stores. The sales picked up by 40% and customers were spotted kneeling for more.


Tuesday 20 December 2011

New frequency.

Recently I feel myself as a computer with a very powerful processor, but which is set in the sleeping mode. I feel it's enough just to touch the right button and the processor will wake up, the screen will become bright and vivid, and the whole new life frequency will start. 

Why is this feeling of dreaming and accumulating power...? I guess it's not just because of the darkest month and the end of the year... it's been growing inside for much longer time.

Well, in any case am ready to switch to new frequency. Ready for 2012)))
wrooom wrooom))))

Tuesday 6 December 2011

"You gonna fight! For your right!"

Do you know what's happening in Russia right now??? 
On Sunday we had elections to Duma (Russian Parliament). 
Since the announcement of the results, people went out to the streets (at least in Moscow and St. Petersburg) to protest about the falsification of the results. THE RESULTS OF THE ELECTIONS ARE FALSE. they are considerably corrected in favour of Putin's party.

The TV and official media are feeding people with the unreal picture - they are creating a parallel false reality, "the Matrix". But God bless Internet! Thanks to online independent media we know what's going on and people may unite. "Mr. Smiths" are afraid. They sent 100.000 policemen in Moscow. They arrested more then 500 (569!!!) people in Moscow and more than 200 people in St. Petersburg. Some most powerful independent websites falled under the hackers attacks, but now they are back to normal work.

There is no democracy in Russia, there is not transparency in Russia. But there is an enourmous corruption that like a cancer spreads in all levels of the society. Without this corruption and amount of thefts, Russian economy would boom much more efficient, because there a lot of positive, energetic, smart and hard-working people living in the country. People who able to see through the Matrix.

Saturday 26 November 2011

Ideal weekend. Girls only.

I don't remember when last time I had such a wonderful weekend. I went to see my friends in Florence. And we had everything what a girl could possibly wish during a pure girlish weekend (romantic weekend is another genre - maybe, next time ;)))
So, two and a half sunny days in Tuscany. Art, food, wine, shops, sun, music ...... Sweet Nobember, indeed.
P.S. and even night club with some quite cool house and electro...

Laaaaate breakfast in historic bars in the centre. like Gilli

Fiorentina steak for dinner

some colourful cocktails at night. Girls showed me their favourite bar with two handsome barmen Paolo and Marco - twins! So, when you happen to be in Victoria bar, be sure that there are TWO identical barmen , not  that you drank too much)

Although, my favourite spot in Florence is a tiny enoteca (maybe the tiniest I ever saw)) run by a 24 y.o. Tommaso. His parents and firends help him... Saturday is a busy night, so Tommaso is moving with turbo speed:
they also organised self-service for 2 eur just outside their door (veeeery smart, considering the lack of space))):

Lenny Kravitz was there - see the bottle on the left side. And on the right top is Tommaso with his famous crostini (one magazine published this photo):

Tuscanian salami as a receiver of cosmos signals and vibrations... look at this silly happy face of mine...vibrations are definitely positive:)

We were in a magic place - the ancient pharmacy near Santa Maria Novella cathedral. It is an amazing palace full of aromas and ancient blends and creams and substances.

I always said that the best dressed men are in Florence. Only there you can see such very creative and sharp interpretion of classic tradition. Ok, it is also met in London and New York, but more ...ironically (Paul Smith etc). Although, men in Florence are serious with their looks, but never ridiculous. Even, if they dress like this, they are absolutely authentic:

Some vintage stuff shopping: 

just some more shots of Florence. I think it's my favourite town in Italy now, well at least for short escapes)

Thursday 24 November 2011

Neo would love it. No 2.

This year the EICMA moto show knocked me out with two fantastic motos.

In previous post I wrote about futuristic Morsus- unreal and breathtaking

But if I had to choose (ok, ok, but let's imagine)- it would be CR&S / DUU.
Last Monday I even went to visit the CR&S company and saw their production. It's a little firm near Milan run by cool big serious men - absolute fanatics. Felt in love. 

So... By order. Handmade. Su misura. 6 months.

Their logo resemles the Duomo of Milan:

 It's written in milanese dialect: "Fada su a Milan cont il coeur e cont i man" - means "Made in Milan by heart and by hands".
Cool, right?

Less cool, by me: 
To be is to DUU. 

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Neo would love it. No 1.

It's couple of years as some part of my life is devoted to motorcycles (and motorcyclists).
(Although, yachts and yachtsmen are always and forever in my heart ;-)))

So, the beginning of November was very busy time for me and my friends at the Moto Salon in Milan (EICMA). There were many "usual" beauties like Ducatti or MV Agusta... but... two things there were simply otherworldly

Both of them are so spectacular that are worth separate posts.

No 1 is MORSUS by Akrapovich ( Morsus in Latin means "bitten". 

A one-off custom masterpiece.

It's something absolutely in the Matrix aesthetics. Neo (or, better Trinity, would love it)

Thursday 3 November 2011

A bit of a Lion. inside and outside.

hairdo of today. unusual for me as I used to have it sleek... or just messy.

Sunday 30 October 2011

Siam. Turn the water off !!!

I was in Thailand twice this year. Last time it was during rainy season. North of the country. Raining EVERY DAY. I remember how it is to drive a scooter under a tropical rain for three hours. How not to have any dry clothes. How wet the moneys are. How to use canoe in case you need to get somewhere.

I felt I was transforming into a subaquatic feature (the one that lives partly on land and partly in water). Despite of any inconvenience, I liked that trip a lot . It was great. Poetic. Adventurous. Different.

But what is happening now in Thailand..God....I don't know how they will overcome this.... I worry a lot about this wonderful country (that was my home for more than 1 month in the last half a year) and about its wonderful and ever-smiling people.

And the problem is much bigger than direct damage to the country. Do not forget that Thailand is still the world's largest exporter of rice. An estimated 1.3 million acres of farmland is now flooded in Thailand.. and rice feeds a majority of the people in the world.

I would like to share the photos that I found on FB page of a guy from Bangkok Ar Kaz 
Here there are just some of plenty and plenty of them... 
Please, please, TURN THE WATER OFF!!!