Tuesday 6 December 2011

"You gonna fight! For your right!"

Do you know what's happening in Russia right now??? 
On Sunday we had elections to Duma (Russian Parliament). 
Since the announcement of the results, people went out to the streets (at least in Moscow and St. Petersburg) to protest about the falsification of the results. THE RESULTS OF THE ELECTIONS ARE FALSE. they are considerably corrected in favour of Putin's party.

The TV and official media are feeding people with the unreal picture - they are creating a parallel false reality, "the Matrix". But God bless Internet! Thanks to online independent media we know what's going on and people may unite. "Mr. Smiths" are afraid. They sent 100.000 policemen in Moscow. They arrested more then 500 (569!!!) people in Moscow and more than 200 people in St. Petersburg. Some most powerful independent websites falled under the hackers attacks, but now they are back to normal work.

There is no democracy in Russia, there is not transparency in Russia. But there is an enourmous corruption that like a cancer spreads in all levels of the society. Without this corruption and amount of thefts, Russian economy would boom much more efficient, because there a lot of positive, energetic, smart and hard-working people living in the country. People who able to see through the Matrix.

1 comment:

  1. We need Neo! One candidate is already spending his time in the prison...
