Wednesday 28 September 2011

Just tonight...

Mantova. Fancy hotel. Double kingsize bed. 01:00 a.m. Me and my playlist.

Sunday 25 September 2011

Bella ciao! Прощай Лючия, грустить не надо....

Muslim Magomaev sings "Bella, ciao". It's such a masculine song.  And don't think about partizans.

Не могу и не хочу это объяснять по английски. Как если бы я комментировала песню Журавли в исполнении Бернеса...
Абстрагируемся от партизан, от итальянских коммунистов. Ок? Это абсолютно мужская песня. Солдатская. Мужественная, предрешенная и нежная... Как он меняет регистр, когда переходит на русский
Прощай, Лючия, грустить не надо...
Нам будет трудно, я это знаю
Я такого исполнения не слышала никогда.
Мужчинская песня, однозначно

This is the end.

This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end

Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I'll never look into your eyes...again

Can you picture what will be
So limitless and free 

Monday 19 September 2011

PingPong Geisha

PingPong Geisha in "my" beauty parlour in St. Petersburg.
Like it very much.
The picture is taken with mobile phone, so...

Sunday 18 September 2011

Mishka, say "I love youuuuu"

DJ Bar "Mishka" in St. Petersburg. Birthday of my dear friend Demi (love!)
Bar name is devoted to one of YouTube stars - talking husky dog Mishka

Well, you may find on YouTube a lot of other videos of Mishka, "saying" different words from "Obama" to "Are you hungry?".

The bar's specialty - small and colourful shots, very delicious...and very dangerous, though. Here are 12 mango shots and one Kinder Surprise as compliment from the venue))):
"Mishka" also means in Russian "little bear". So, no wonder that the shots called "Mishka" are decorated with gummi bears:

And here is another useful invention... Gin-Tonic already contains cucumber slices so one might use them as eye patches in order to prevent the morning after effect)))

Thursday 15 September 2011

Eat Me!

Cafe Italia in St. Petersburg. Moto races on big screens. Real Ducattis, Vespas, racing leather suits and helmets all around... Therefore, feels like home... The owner is Italian and obviously a BIG fan of Moto GP).
They even make Moto GP pizzas:

We ordered Simoncelli, because he is the cutest). The pizza version of Simoncelli tastes fantastic...)))))
and you may compare the looks:

But jokes apart, the food is really good there. Home made ice cream is great
and SPRITZ is authentic!!!
Demi, darling, happy birthday again!!!

Wednesday 14 September 2011

"I don't do drugs, I am drugs"

I dont do drugs, I am drugs. S. Dali
right, Salvador)

And I also recall another quote. When they asked David Bowie, whether he was homo- / hetero- or bisexual, he simply answered: "I AM SEX")))

Monday 12 September 2011

Weekend in New Holland

Last Sunday I spent with my friends in New Holland.
New Holland is the name of 8-hectare island in the centre of St. Petersburg. It is  bordered by two canals and a river.  The island was conceived by Peter the Great in 1719, and became Russia’s first military port in 1721. It belonged to the military since its foundation and had thus been closed to the general public for 300 years.

The initial island function was a storage of ship timber. Later it was also used as prison. In Soviet times it was also a place for testing some vessels and submarines.

For us, citizens of St. Petersburg, New Holland was always kind of a mysterious place, because you passed it by million of times, but you could never get inside.

Here are some pictures from

And now, the city decided to revive the territory of New Holland and to transform the site into a "dynamic, mixed and integrated quarter that will be open to all to enjoy". The company that is entrusted to make it happen belongs to Roman Abramovich.
There was a design competition among leading international architecture practices. The design contest was won by the US WorkAC (by the way I was also voting for them).

Here are some images of their project (more about their concept:

Before the works started, New Holland was open for public this summer. For the 1st time in 300 years!
So, that's what we saw last Sunday with my friends:

Nice summer cafe in the courtyard of (former prison - ?)


and vegetarian garden "rented" by some trendy city companies:

organic Fred Perry))))

some contemporary art installations:

Despite its brutal historical background, the place has very positive and light energy.

Very cosy little island to be in)))

Beauty beats fear.

Coming back to Melancholia.
I tend to think that anything is right and justified as long as it's beautiful.
Beauty beats fear, no?

Afterwards, fear is just a little creation of our mind. and beauty... beauty is everywhere.

Saturday 10 September 2011

Let it be. Melancholia.

The summer ends up with romantic apocalyptic image of Melancholia by Lars von Trier. Must seen on a big screen with surround sound. Wagner tears the guts out - slowly and solemnly.

"Deadly beautiful".
Strangely enough, my main emotion after the movie was ... conciliation., why did I start this?

There are so many amazing things in this world that touch me, inspire me, make me feel alive.
I guess I'd feel more alive memorizing them and sharing them,